If I book a group tour online, is my booking automatically confirmed?

My tour date looks available on the website, but when I click on the calendar the tour shows as sold out, what is wrong?
Try clicking the dropdown to see if there are additional departure timings on the same date.

Your tour is sold out – can I join a waiting list?
Yes, you can join by following the booking process on the website. Note that we will only contact you if seats become available and we reserve the right to choose who gets in from the waiting list, in order to fill as many seats as possible.

Are there often seats available at the dock?
Sometimes, but we turn away more last-minute customers than we accept. We always recommend booking seats as soon as you decide.

If I book a private tour online is my booking automatically confirmed?
No, we are currently processing all private tours as booking requests subject to manual confirmation. 

Can payments be split between participants?
Final balance payments can be split anyhow you like, but we first require a single deposit from the tour leader to confirm a private tour booking. 

If I need to cancel my tour, will I receive a refund?
The initial 10% deposit is considered non-refundable in most circumstances. See more here: https://arcticshorex.com/booking-info/ 

Do you offer a discount for multiple tour bookings?
No, we prefer pricing all our tours as competitively as possible instead.

The credit card payment page is not working, what went wrong?
Very rarely is there a problem with the payment page itself. The most common error message is “Not authorized” which means that your bank or card provider is not approving the transaction and you need to contact them for details.
Our payment provider is Flywire and they should be able to support you with any problems during the check out process.
If you want us to look into what went wrong during the payment process then please share the error message you get (a screenshot is best) so that we are able to help.

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